Brighton, England, a place where it's never too early to go to the pub, graffiti seems to grow on the walls like ivy, and the seagulls rule the land. After studying abroad in this seaside town, I discovered there's a definite difference between American and British scones. Might I just say, if you haven't had a true British scone, you haven't lived. Maybe a tad on the dramatic side, but, friends, if you think those hard as rock scones you get at Starbucks are the real deal, you are sadly mistaken. Every day since I've been back in California, I've been craving a soft, light, fluffy scone....and by golly I think I've finally found it. So, ladies, put on your satin gloves and pearls...I just found the perfect little place for afternoon tea. Lovejoy's Tea Room sits in the hills of San Francisco. This quaint and quirky spot, is a little slice of British heaven. One bite into my first scone and I was transported back to Brighton in the little tea shop that I called home. I indulged in two delicious fruit scones and nearly 4 pots of English Breakfast tea. Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm! LoveJoy's Tea Room offers such a wide selection of teas and treats, you are bound to fall in love with something! Tip: Be sure to make a reservation ahead of time! This little tea room fills up fast!